Day 125 – Attempt to Sell the Bikes (Punta Arenas, Chile)

We rode from Puerto Natales in order to meet a few potential customers we were able to find through personal contacts.  The reason we chose Punta Arenas is because it is a tax-free zone (Zona Franca) meaning the buyer does not have to pay approximately 20% of bike value during the importation process. 

We met with Alberto, an oil executive, and had a great time at the restaurant discussing different life experience.  He brought a friend with him who wanted to get into motorcycling.  In recap, after meeting with 3 buyers, we decided not to sell our bikes as it does not make sense to add a few thousand dollars to get the same “two wheels.” During our trip, we got used to our bikes and want to keep them as a reminder about the trip even though we got an offer that was almost hard to resist.

Routes taken: 9

Miles ridden:  153 miles (245 km)






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