Left on time. Got lost and separated in Chimbote (road construction). Filled tank in Casma. Vadim ran out of gas in the middle of desert…next gas station was 69 km…found a gallon of gas for $10USD…was happy to pay it to get to the next station.
Gintaras stopped by police – required insurance. No lunch. Desert, dunes, deserted beaches, beautiful, fog near Lima, crazy traffic in Lima…Vadim almost got ran over by a bus on a turn, police tried to stop Gintaras but he never stopped, found hotel, Vadim was already there, parked the bikes, very tired, traditional restaurant Las Brujas de Cachiche (seafood soup, chicha morada, sea bass, beef heart and mushroom anticuchos), back to the hotel, some musicians and vendors in the park.
Routes taken: 1 Panamericana
Miles ridden: 354 miles (566 km)
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