Day 69 – Resting Day (Popayan, Colombia)

Vadim started the day with a long walk in the old part of the city and brought back some nice pictures.


The White City – Popayan

Gintaras spent all morning with his laptop doing god knows what, and only ventured out around noon.  It was dark and cool inside the hotel, but so nice and sunny outside.  Every building in the center of the city was painted white and the people were hiding in the shadows from the bright sun.


Streets of Popayan

We had lunch at La Vina, a nice parrillada with excellent food and many local people humming inside.  Our menu choices were slightly unusual: fried fish, beef tongue, and kumis – a nice yoghurt drink with a hint of cinnamon.  We went back to the hotel after the lunch and only went out again in the evening, to the same restaurant, but this time only a couple of people were sitting at a table.  We had a light meal – some salad and fried fish – and then strolled to the central square, where an orchestra and a chorus were playing some classical music by a local composer.  Not impressed by the performance, we left, picked our laundry around the corner, and went back to the hotel.  Our wet riding gear that we spread out all around the room the night before was still noticeably wet…

Routes taken: None

Miles ridden: None






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